Civil Engineering Labs
The mission of PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY GEO-TECHNICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY is to provide effective solutions to a broad range of geotechnical engineering problems. Experienced staff members use state-of-the-art laboratory and field study equipment to solve diverse scientific and engineering problems related to surface and underground structure stability. PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY actively collaborates on research and teaching with other institutions and industries to support its mission.
The PRESIDENCY UNIVERSITY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING LABORATORY is equipped with standard as well as advanced soil testing equipment. The following is a sample of the tests that can be performed in the Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory at Presidency University:
• Atterberg limits test
• Specific density test
• Grain size—sieve analysis
• Grain size—hydrometer analysis
• Consolidation tests
• Direct shear test
• Standard proctor compaction test
• Unconfined compression test

The Hydraulics laboratory is one of the largest labs of the department. Operating since the beginning of the university, the lab currently offers more than eight experiments on Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering to 2nd and 3rd year students. Besides it is used for research works on Hydraulic Engineering.
The Hydraulics lab is equipped with adequate facilities to offer experiments on Fluid Mechanics and Open Channel Flow. Two of its major apparatus are the Hydraulic Bench and the Flume, both offering testing options and quality comparable to the highest standard.
In addition to the two major apparatus, the lab also has the apparatus for determining the Center of Pressure and apparatus for verifying Bernoulli’s theorem.
In addition to the two major apparatus, the lab also has the apparatus for determining the Center of Pressure and apparatus for verifying Bernoulli’s theorem.
At present, the experiments performed using the Hydraulic Bench include flow measurements through orifice, mouthpiece, V-notch and Venturimeter as well as the determination of the coefficient of velocity by coordinate method.
The experiments using the Flume are the flow measurements through a broad-crested weir, sharp-crested weir, sluice gate and Parshall flume. Besides, it is used for the demonstration of hydraulic jumps.

Structural Mechanics and Materials Testing Laboratory:
Facilities: The structural Mechanics and Materials Testing laboratory provides comprehensive modern facilities for research and teaching in structural engineering and solid mechanics. The laboratory is at the ground floor of the university building. It has facilities for routine strength tests of various civil engineering materials such as steel, rubber, plastic, etc. Test facilities include tests on stress strain and mechanical properties of materials: tension, direct shear and impact tests of mild steel specimens, slender column tests, static bending tests, hardness tests of metals, torsional tests of different types of materials, helical spring tests.
Main equipment: Universal testing machine, spring testing machine, hardness testing apparatus, impact testing machine, compression (crushing) testing apparatus, brick cutter and capping apparatus etc.